Selexon D-DIMER
Selexon D-DIMER
Intended use:
The SelexOn™ D-dimer test strip is used with the SelexOn™ meter for quantitative determination of D-dimer concentration in venous whole blood specimen. SelexOn™ D-dimer test strip in an in-vitro diagnostic device that measures the concentration of D-dimer within venous whole blood. The test is used for diagnosis of DeepVein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism or Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. The SelexOn™ D-dimer test strip uses an EDTA-treated venous whole blood sample and should be operated by experts in the laboratory and hospital.
- 20 Tests/Box
- Item code: INFID01A
- MDA registration no: IVDB58025301418