Intended use:
One-Step HPAb test (WB/S/P) is used for the qualitative determination of antibodies of all isotypes (IgG, IgM, IgA, etc) specific to Helicobacter pylori in human serum, plasma or whole blood. This test kit is intended as an aid in the diagnosis of H. pylori infection in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms.
The H. pylori test is a rapid test for the qualitative detection of antibodies of all isotypes (IgG, IgM, IgA, etc) specific to Helicobacter pylori in human serum, plasma or whole blood. This test kit is intended as an aid in the diagnosis of H. pylori infection in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms.
- 25 Tests/Box
- Item code: H.P441
- MDA registration no: IVDB36190341618